born 1988 in Hamm, Germany
lives and works in Berlin, Germany
2021 Meisterschülerin, weißensee kunsthochschule berlin
2019 Fine Arts Diploma, weißensee kunsthochschule berlin
2016 - 2017 California College of the Arts, San Francisco
2016 UMPRUM, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prague
2012 - 2016 Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle (Saale), class of Prof. Ute Pleuger
Grants / scholarships / residencies
2022/23 EHF2010 scholarship, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
2022 Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds
2018 Summer studio residency, NYU Steinhardt, New York
2016/17 Fine Arts scholarship, California College of the Arts, San Francisco
2016/2017 DAAD scholarship
Selected exhibitions
2024 ALINE, Galerie Ricarda Fox, Mühlheim a. d. Ruhr (solo)
Hier und Jetzt, Gustav-Lübcke-Museum, Hamm
End of Land, B-Part am Gleisdreieck, Berlin
LAPS - Josha Lohrengel, Aline Schwibbe, René Wagner, Quantum Oddity Gallery, Berlin
2023, 1_06, Berlin
Undine Bandelin, Nina Hannah Kornatz, Mara Sandrock, Aline Schwibbe, Galerie Ricarda Fox, Mühlheim a. d. Ruhr
2022 Fäden der Kunst.Werke in Fenstern, Leipzig
Collaborations by Oliver Mark, Guardini Stiftung, Berlin
2021 Eigenlicht, re|space Gallery, Berlin
ipso facto, Kühlhaus, Berlin
Marking Territory, re|space Gallery, Berlin
2020 Bridge V, Hopscotch, Berlin
Keep Your Eyes Peeled, AFF Galerie, Berlin
I Might Be Staring at Infinity (or the backs of my own eyelids), Yarat Contemporary Art Space, Baku
works for whom, Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, Berlin
2019 A Thousand Names of Something Else, Dzialdov, Berlin (solo)
Tracey Married a Stone in 2015, Dzialdov, Berlin
Perfekte Zustände, X-Lane, Berlin
Alma Mater: Methods, Hubbell St Galleries, San Francisco
2018 Fearless Flowers (I Move Through Chicago Like Honey), White Pearl Gallery, Prague (solo)
Where I Thought I Would Be Save, Kunstverein Hamm (solo)
Hier und Jetzt. Aktuelle Kunst in Westfalen, Gustav-Lübcke-Museum, Hamm
2017 potential sunrise, Zukunft, Berlin (solo)
Worlding (Dressed For A Dance), Hubbell St Galleries, San Francisco (solo)
2016 Nichts als die Wahrheit. 50 mal Malerei. Klasse Pleuger 1999-2016, Kunststiftung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle (Saale)